1000 Assuntos para conversar em Inglês

1000 Assuntos para conversar em Inglês. Veja as melhores conversar  criativas para o Inglês. 


1000 Assuntos para conversar em Inglês

  1. Take a picture of your nails and send it to me.
  2. Lucky. Tell me to do something.
  3. My name on a part of your body and send the photo.
  4. Send a photo of your foot.
  5. Send a photo biting your lips.
  6. If you were to pass your hand on me where would you go?
  7. Tell me your favorite color.
  8. Make me a declaration of love.
  9. If I showed up in your room in my towel, what would you do?
  10. What do you find sexiest about me?
  11. Shirtless photo.
  12. Make me a declaration of love.
  13. If I put my tongue in your navel and ask what is the plural of decimal? What would you answer me?
  14. Are you jealous?
  15. If you were going to suck, where would you suck?
  16. Photo giving tongue.
  17. Give me a peck.
  18. send 100 ❤ to me
  19. Shirtless photo.
  20. Send me a line.

  21. What is your favorite scent?
  22. What is your biggest wish right now?
  23. What should everyone know about you?
  24. What was the best year of your life?
  25. What do you miss the most?
  26. What is your biggest regret?
  27. What do you love the most and hate the most?
  28. What is your biggest dream?
  29. Where do you want to be now?
  30. Who do you want to be with now?
  31. What do you like to eat the most?
  32. What excuse do you use the most?
  33. What's the best gift you've ever received?
  34. Which animal do you most identify with? Why?
  35. What can't you stop doing before you die?
  36. What is your dream city?
  37. What song can't miss at your wedding?
  38. Have you ever run away from home when you were a child?
  39. What is your favorite series?
  40. If you could be a character, what would it be?
  41. How do you imagine yourself 20 years from now?
  42. Prefer to be able to go back in the past and make mistakes or live life the way it has to be?
  43. What is the most expensive thing you have?
  44. How long did your longest relationship last?
  45. Who is the best person you've ever met in your life?
  46. What was the craziest day of your life?
  47. What softens your heart?
  48. Thinking about getting married and having children?
  49. Have you ever sung in front of the fan?
  50. Have I said I love you without loving?
  51. What is your biggest disappointment?
  52. What is your favorite time of year?
  53. Which word best defines you?
  54. Which is more important, love or money?
  55. Do you consider yourself a good person?
  56. What is indispensable in a friendship?
  57. What was the funniest moment of your life?
  58. What advice would you give your friends?
  59. What is your object of greatest sentimental value?
  60. Do you like to spend Christmas with your family?
  61. What would be your dream job?
  62. What time will never make you forget?
  63. What do you most enjoy doing in your free time?
  64. Do you believe in astrology?
  65. Prefer to have 10 friends or 1 love?
  66. How do you see God?
  67. What is the most important thing in life?
  68. What did you ever think was impossible but happened?
  69. Have you ever been expelled from school?
  70. What was your favorite subject at school?

  • conversar para inglês
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  • inglês conversação
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  • conversar inglês com nativos

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